52歌赋>英语词典>thrash out翻译和用法

thrash out

英 [θræʃ aʊt]

美 [θræʃ aʊt]

经反复讨论制订出(计划、协议); 讨论解决,商讨解决(问题、争端)


  • PHRASAL VERB 经反复讨论制订出(计划、协议)
    If peoplethrash outsomething such as a plan or an agreement, they decide on it after a great deal of discussion.
    1. The foreign ministers have thrashed out a suitable compromise formula...
    2. How foreign fund-managers will be compensated has yet to be thrashed out.
  • PHRASAL VERB 讨论解决,商讨解决(问题、争端)
    If peoplethrash outa problem or a dispute, they discuss it thoroughly until they reach an agreement.
    1. ...a sincere effort by two people to thrash out differences about which they have strong feelings.



  • discuss vehemently in order to reach a solution or an agreement
    1. The leaders of the various Middle Eastern countries are trying to hammer out a peace agreement
    Synonym:hammer out


  • You'll have to thrash out the question among yourselves.
  • During difficult moments in recent negotiations on North Korea's nuclear programme, China's chief negotiator, Wu Dawei, sometimes slipped away to thrash out problems over a round of golf with his South Korean counterpart. Such out-of-work encounters should come as no surprise.
  • If John won't tell, we shall have to thrash the truth out of him.
  • Davos next week and the G7 meeting thereafter will be good venues to thrash all this out.
  • Overall, couples took longer to heal when asked to thrash out points of conflict than neutral issues.
  • Never mind the side issues, let's get down to brass tacks and thrash out a basic agreement.
  • Thrash out a detailed information disclosure system, act on it strictly and focus on the management of investor relationship.
  • The meeting lasted until well into the night as the two sides tried to thrash out their differences once and for all.
  • By the time an FDA advisory panel met this week to thrash out whether Avandia should be withdrawn or its use limited ( it was due to vote yesterday afternoon), Congress had made up its own mind.
  • How foreign fund-managers will be compensated has yet to be thrashed out.